Buying an investment property or borrowing money to purchase shares or another investment? Investing wisely is your top priority, but securing the right finance is also crucial. The profitability of your investment property (or share portfolio) will be impacted by your finance.
At Infinity Finance Solutions we work with you and your Accountant to structure your loan to help you make effective use of tax, gearing and maximise profitability of your investment.
There are key things to consider investing in property.
If you have owned your home for a few years, there is a good chance you’ve built up some reasonable equity, and this can be a valuable resource when it comes to property investment.
We can help you to find out how much equity you have in your home, and how you might be able to use it to own an investment property sooner.
Negative gearing is when the costs of owning a property (such as interest charges, maintenance and property management costs) exceed the income it produces.
With financial and tax advice, and the right property, negative gearing may be a tax-efficient investment strategy for some investors
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